
Write/ Read to Excel Sheet

File exists in a Directory:  static void FileExists(Args _args) { str filePath = @”C:\\vani.pdf”; ; if(WinAPI::fileExists(filePath)) { WinAPI::copyFile(filePath,”C:\\1.pdf”); } } Dynamics AX X++ code to Read/Write data to excel Writing Data to Excel file   How it works 1. Use SysExcelApplication class to create excel file. 2. Use SysExcelWorkbooks and SysExcelWorkbook to create a blank workbook(by default 3 worksheets will be available). 3. Use SysExcelWorkSheets to select worksheet for writing data. 4. SysExcelCells to select the cells in the excel for writing the data. 5. SysExcelCell to write the data in the selected cells. 6. Once you done with write operation use SysExcelApplication.visible to open file. static void Write2ExcelFile(Args _args) { InventTable inventTable; SysExcelApplication application; SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks; SysExcelWorkbook workbook; SysExcelWorksheets worksheets; SysExcelWorksheet workshee...

Financial Dimensions in AX 2012

Today we will be exploring the new changes  related  to Financial dimensions in AX 2012. Earlier versions AX 2009, 4.0 : Ø   In older version System use to limit the creation of dimensions up to 10.  Ø   By default 3 dimensions were available in the system namely Department, CostCenter and Purpose. Ø   Technically these dimensions were controlled by Enum SysDimension and an array EDT Dimension. Ø   So If we have 3 enum elements in SysDimension, then its corresponding array elements are stored in    dimension EDT and can be referred as Dimension[0], Dimension[1]..... Ø   If you would like to store these dimension values against customized table, then simply we were adding the EDT Dimension to that Table. At  Form  level simply drag and drop field on Group then system use to  show all the array elements as string control. New version AX 2012 (6.0) :   Ø   In AX 2012(6.0), there is no ...

Inventory Dimensions In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 gives us the ability to assign a good level of detail to our inventory. Following are the 9 inventory dimensions that are available in Ax 2012, you can always customize to add more upon your needs : 1.                Size 2.                Color 3.                Configuration 4.                Site 5.                Warehouse 6.                Location 7.                Pallet ID 8.             ...