Add Lookup to Batch Job Dialog in Ax 2012

Business Requirement:
To have a lookup on the batch job dialog to filter records to be processed based on the user selected value of sales channel field on the dialog.
Project Overview:
We’ll be adding a new UI Builder class MAKSalesTableUIBuilder and link it with the MAKSalesTableContract class to add lookup on the batch dialog. It is highly recommended to read the prerequisites first before proceeding any further to have better understanding of the topic.
Development steps:
1. Add salesChannel variable to the class declaration of MAKSalesTableContract class to store sales channel value:
class MAKSalesTableContract
    TransDate           fromDate;
    TransDate           toDate;
    MAKSalesChannel     salesChannel;
2. Add parm method for sales channel variable to designate it as a data member of the contract class:
    SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalStr("Sales channel")),
    SysOperationHelpTextAttribute(literalStr("Pick sales channel")),
public MAKSalesChannel parmSalesChannel(MAKSalesChannel _salesChannel = salesChannel)
    salesChannel = _salesChannel;

    return salesChannel;
3. Compile and generate incremental CIL.
4. Click Tools > Caches > Refresh elements to refresh the AOD cache to reflect changes on the batch dialog.
5. You should be able to see newly added Sales channel field on the batch dialog but without a lookup.
6. Create a new class MAKSalesTableUIBuilder which extends SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder base class:
class MAKSalesTableUIBuilder extends SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder

    DialogField     fromDateField;
    DialogField     toDateField;
    DialogField     salesChannelField;
7. Override the postBuild method of the base class to get the references to dialog field controls after creation:
public void postBuild()

    //Get references to dialog controls after creation
    fromDateField = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(
        this.dataContractObject(), methodStr(MAKSalesTableContract, parmFromDate));
    toDateField = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(
        this.dataContractObject(), methodStr(MAKSalesTableContract, parmToDate));
    salesChannelField = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(
        this.dataContractObject(), methodStr(MAKSalesTableContract, parmSalesChannel));

    //Change text field metadata to add lookup
8. Override the postRun method of the base class to register the custom lookup method salesChannelFieldLookup with the form control event lookup:
public void postRun()

    //Register overrides for form control events
        methodstr(FormStringControl, lookup),
        methodstr(MAKSalesTableUIBuilder, salesChannelFieldLookup),
9. Give the following implementation for the custom lookup method salesChannelFieldLookup:
public void salesChannelFieldLookup(FormStringControl _control)
    Query                   query;
    QueryBuildDataSource    qbdsMAKSalesTable;
    SysTableLookup          sysTableLookup;

    query = new Query();
    qbdsMAKSalesTable = query.addDataSource(tableNum(MAKSalesTable));
    qbdsMAKSalesTable.fields().addField(fieldNum(MAKSalesTable, SalesChannel));
    qbdsMAKSalesTable.addGroupByField(fieldNum(MAKSalesTable, SalesChannel));

    sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(MAKSalesTable), _control);
    sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(MAKSalesTable, SalesChannel));
10. Lastly, modify the class declaration of MAKSalesTableContract class to link it with the MAKSalesTableUIBuilderclass we just created by decorating it with the SysOperationContractProcessingAttribute:
class MAKSalesTableContract
    TransDate           fromDate;
    TransDate           toDate;
    MAKSalesChannel     salesChannel;
11. Compile and generate incremental CIL.
12. Click Tools > Caches > Refresh elements to refresh the AOD cache to reflect changes on the batch dialog.
13. Click on the menu item MAKSalesTableService to run the batch job dialog.
14. You should now be getting a lookup generated for the Sales channel field on the batch dialog

Customize Controller for Batch Job

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate what power we can leverage by customizing the controller for our batch job. For simplicity, we’ll explore how we can set batch dialog fields with default values by extending SysOperationServiceController class.
It is highly recommended to go through the following posts to get a better understanding of what we have done so far in the Batch Framework series.
Business Requirement:
To set batch dialog fields with default values.
Project Overview:
Development Steps:
1. Create a new class MAKSalesTableServiceController extending SysOperationServiceController base class.
class MAKSalesTableServiceController extends SysOperationServiceController
2. Override the new method and give the following definition:
public void new()
    this.parmMethodName(methodStr(MAKSalesTableService, processRecords));
3. Create a new method main and give the following definition. This is where the magic happens. The controller is used to get reference to data contract object which is then modified to initialize data members, by calling their parm methods, with default values.
static void main(Args _args)
    MAKSalesTableServiceController  controller;
    MAKSalesTableContract           dataContract;
    controller = new MAKSalesTableServiceController();
    // Run operation synchronously, asynchronously or in batch
    // Async execution requires service to be published
    // in the AxClient service group
    // Get the contract from the controller and initialize it default values
    dataContract = controller.getDataContractObject();
    // call the operation. The controller will handle execution mode
4. Modify Menu Items > Action > MAKSalesTableService to point to MAKSalesTableServiceController class just created.
5. Compile and generate incremental CIL.
6. Click Tools > Caches > Refresh elements to refresh the AOD cache to reflect changes on the batch dialog.
7. Click Menu Items > Action > MAKSalesTableService to run the batch job.
8. You should now be getting batch dialog fields initialized with default values


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