SSRS Report by using Controller Class - sample code

Contract Class : Here I am passing an Account number as a parameter
Class Declaration :
class FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsContract
AccountNum account;
int64 tablenumber;
SalesId salesid;
PurchId purchid;
Parm Method1 :
DataMemberAttribute(“Purch Id Number”)
public AccountNum parmPurchnum(AccountNum _Purchnumber = account)
account = _Purchnumber;
return account;
So Now I got in Account number I will Pass a Purch ID or Sales ID
so based on menu Item I need to select a design which is either PO report or SO report.
For that i am using a Controller class, There I am differentiate the design.
Controller Class ::
Class declaration method :
class FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsController extends SrsReportRunController
PurchTable purch;
SalesTable sales;
PreRunModifies Contract method is the main method to do the selection of design but in Main method we will pass one design as a default design but this method will override the design by passing the value.
preRunModifiedContract method :
Protected void preRunModifyContract()
str reportnameLocal;
FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsContract contract;
contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsContract;
if(this.parmArgs().menuItemName() == menuitemOutputStr(FOFS_TermsSalesReport))
sales = args.record();
// contract.parmAccountnum(sales.CustAccount);
// contract.parmTableid(sales.TableId);
reportnameLocal = ssrsReportStr(FOFS_TermsAndCondition,SalesTerms);
else if(this.parmArgs().menuItemName() == menuitemOutputStr(FOFS_TermsPurchReport))
purch = args.record();
// contract.parmAccountnum(purch.OrderAccount);
// contract.parmTableid(purch.TableId);
reportnameLocal = ssrsReportStr(FOFS_TermsAndCondition,PurchTerms);
this is the mail method which will execute first, here i will pass a default design but prerunmodified method will override the design based on menuitem which is calling.
Main Method :
public static void main(args _args)
FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsController controller = new FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsController();
DP class will execute the business logic for the report.
DP class :
Class declaration Method :
class FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase//SRSReportDataProviderBase//SrsReportDataProviderPreProcess
FOFS_TermsConditionReportTmp reporttable;
SalesTable sales;
PurchTable purch;
FOFS_TermsCategory categort;
FOFS_TermsHierarchy hierarchy;
FOFS_TermsCategoryValues values;
container companylogo;
Get data method :
public FOFS_TermsConditionReportTmp GetData()
select * from reporttable;
return reporttable;
Insert into report table method1 :
private void insertintoPurch(PurchTable _purch)
hierarchy = FOFS_TermsHierarchy::findHierarchyName(_purch.FOFS_HierarchyName);
companylogo = CompanyImage::findByRecord(CompanyInfo::find()).Image;
while select * from categort where categort.CategoryHierarchy == hierarchy.RecId
join values where values.ParentRecId == categort.RecId
reporttable.CompanyLogo = companylogo;
reporttable.HierarchyName = _purch.FOFS_HierarchyName;
reporttable.PurchId = _purch.PurchId;
reporttable.VendAccount = _purch.vendorName();
reporttable.ParentName = categort.Name;
reporttable.ChildName = values.CategoryNodeCode;
Insert into report table method2 :
private void insertintoSales(SalesTable _sales)
hierarchy = FOFS_TermsHierarchy::findHierarchyName(_sales.FOFS_HierarchyName);
companylogo = CompanyImage::findByRecord(CompanyInfo::find()).Image;
while select * from categort where categort.CategoryHierarchy == hierarchy.RecId
join values where values.ParentRecId == categort.RecId
reporttable.CompanyLogo = companylogo;
reporttable.HierarchyName = _sales.FOFS_HierarchyName;
reporttable.SalesId = _sales.SalesId;
reporttable.CustAccount = _sales.customerName();
reporttable.ParentName = categort.Name;
reporttable.ChildName = values.CategoryNodeCode;
Process Report Method :
public void processReport()
FOFS_POTermsAndConditionsContract contract = this.parmDataContract();
AccountNum accountNumber;
int64 purchtablenumber,salestablenumber;
SalesId salesid;
PurchId purchid;
purchtablenumber = tableNum(PurchTable);
salestablenumber = tableNum(SalesTable);
accountNumber = contract.parmPurchnum();
select firstOnly * from sales where sales.SalesId == accountNumber;
select * from purch where purch.PurchId == accountNumber;


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